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Privateers motorcycle club 3%er brotherhood outlaw motorcycle club, brotherhood, 3% percenter, three percenter, patriots, constitutionalist, bill of rights, constitution, harley davidson, tyranny, oppression, freedom fighters, patriots


 A Privateer is one who by choice or circumstance finds himself living outside of

"societies acceptable social norms". ​

 they choose to live by their own values, standards and laws.

A Privateer does not generally see himself as a criminal but will not shy away from being called an outlaw.

Privateers MC is still  considered to be an "outlaw" club 
by the  "authorities" in the federal  government.  

Many times the individual does not set out to live this type of  life,

 but instead feel that they have been forced in to making the decision

to separate themselves by what they believe to be an oppressive government,

failing society or both. 

Some may be outcasts or adventurers but many would be considered​ upstanding members of society.

 Privateers today do not in anyway desire ​anarchy or lawlessness. But instead seek the freedom to live by basic laws ​and the rights given every man to be free from oppression. This path is not​without consequence many times the individual finds himself in situations that ​may be very unfamiliar, uncomfortable, hostile or even life threatening. It is in​these times a Privateer must be able to depend on his brothers in arms to get ​him through. This seems to be the one common thread between those who choose to live the path of a Privateer 3%er brotherhood.​


" ........That if we turn our backs on tyranny, we should
only be looked upon as pirates and be forced to live the
lives of privateers......I am a free prince, and have as
much authority to make war on the whole world as he
who commands a hundred sail of ships or a hundred
thousand men in the field." --Samuel Bellamy

Copyright 2001 PrivateersMC LLC. USA

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